Minnesota Manual Dexterity Test




The Minnesota Manual Dexterity Test (MMDT) is a frequently administered, standardized test for the evaluation of a subject’s ability to move small objects various distances. This manual is a guide demonstrating the proper test procedure for each test battery. The test administrator must read and follow the manual completely to insure that standardization has occurred and that the test results are accurate.

Theory and Application

The Minnesota Manual Dexterity Test (MMDT) is used to measure a subject’s simple but rapid eyehand coordination as well as arm-hand dexterity. In general, the MMDT measures gross motor skills.
Gross motor skills involve the movement of large musculature and a goal where the precision of movement is not as important to the successful execution of the skill as it is for fine motor skills. (Magill, 1989, p.11)

What Is the Complete Minnesota Dexterity Test?

The Complete Minnesota Dexterity Test is a frequently administered, standardised test for the evaluation of an individual's ability to move small objects various distances. It consists of five tests that involve the following:

  • Placing
  • Turning
  • Displacing
  • One-hand turning and placing
  • Two-hand turning and placing

Where Is the Minnesota Dexterity Test Used?

The Complete Minnesota Dexterity Test can be used for many testing applications. It is often used by:

  • Occupational and physical therapists for injury rehabilitation, as a tool to obtain baseline data on a patient, as well as documenting patient progress or the degree of a disability.
  • Vocational evaluators to determine a subject's ability and aptitude for certain work-related applications. It is also used to develop a specific training program, giving an individual the skills to complete a job or task that requires manual dexterity.
  • Human resource directors and temporary staffing agencies who use it as a pre-employment screening and selection tool. An applicant's performance on the pegboard test can indicate their ability to perform tasks in a job that requires manual dexterity.

Why Take a Dexterity Test?

The Minnesota Dexterity Test is used to measure an individual's simple but rapid hand-eye coordination as well as arm-hand dexterity. In general, the test measures gross motor skills.

Many approaches have been developed to classify motor skills. Each classification system is based on the general nature of the motor skills relating to some specific aspect of the skills. There are three systems on which motor skill classification is based:

  • The precision of movement
  • Defining the beginning and end points of the movement
  • The stability of the environment

The Complete Minnesota Dexterity Test incorporates all three of these systems.

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